About Us

Welcome to Illusions Dance Photography. 
Dance is a great way of communicating emotions, feelings and generally expressing yourself.
 I hope to capture those feelings and emotions and immortalise them on film for you and your family to remember for always.
I enjoy showcasing a dancer's abilities and showing them that they 'can' be beautiful and graceful - even if they themselves think they can't.

My Vision

I started out my career as a 'mum with a camera'  and due to an increasing demand from my daughters' friends, it grew into a passion.  
My style of dance photography is unlike most studios. All my photos are taken outside in various locations around Cairns. 
I do one-on-one photoshoots with dancers or I can do duos, trios and small groups if required.
While technique may be important, I try to emphasise that within every dancer there is beauty and grace waiting to be unleashed. Even the most novice dancer can look stunning in the right pose!

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